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Is This Outfit a Relationship Deal-Breaker?

By on February 9, 2016

Since the nominations for the 2016 Academy Awards were announced a couple of things have happened. For one, the main nominations, for yet another year, were overwhelmingly white. As a result, the continuing cry by minority Hollywood stars for more diversity is full force once again. Two stars have even gone far enough to call for a boycott of the awards ceremony.

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Breaking Bad Writer to Adapt Anne of Green Gables For TV

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Good news for kindred spirits – the irrepressible Anne of Green Gables will be returning to the small screen in 2017.

Breaking Bad writer Moira Walley-Beckett will be heading up the new series, which will be an eight-part adaptation for CBC. Anne of Green Gables follows the titular character as she arrives at Green Gables farm, “ordered” from an orphanage by Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert. They had wanted a boy to help with the work, but due to a mix up, found a young girl waiting at the station.

The story itself isn’t a complicated one. Anne ends up staying with the Cuthberts, and has lots of jolly adventures (and many more misadventures) as she grows up. It’s not the plot that has enraptured so many, though. It’s Anne herself that captures the heart of her readers. Despite her difficulties, she is a precious and charming girl, the perfect combination of open-hearted and pig-headed. The Anne Shirley series is heartwarming, funny and romantic.

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